Saturday, December 12, 2009

Small Town Charm

Earlier this evening, my mother and I were walking down our lane when mom said, "This is what's nice about living in a small town--having a parade be so accessible. If we lived in a big city, I wouldn't even try to watch the parade." I responded in agreement... until we actually reached our destination for viewing the annual Mathews Christmas parade and were greeted by the opening theme banner, displaying the words: "Farming on the Bay". So yeah... apparently farming on the bay means some random 17-year-old's Cadillac with a red bow on it, a huge truck that looks like a toilet, and random middle-aged men and women (since that's the prevailing age of a Mathewser) walking by giving you candy--to which my mother referred when she turned to Rebecca and me and said, "If we just grabbed a bag of candy, we could march in this parade..." (Also, my mother is a 5-year-old when it comes to getting tossed candy at a parade.) It's true there are a lot of charming things about small towns, and Gilmore Girls displays several of them pretty well. Fortunately, all things that are meant to be charming but fail epically simply result in me ROFLMAO. Welcome home, me. :)

1 comment:

  1. This is me filling up your comments since you so kindly filled mine :) so that, you know, you can tout your blogs popularity the way I go touting about... other things. Glad you're already having a great break. Come to Little Rock. K Bye.

    2nd thought: I'm coming to Mathews
