Saturday, November 21, 2009


I don't like being alone. When spanking became an ineffective punishment for me when I was little, my mother simply started isolating me for long periods of time for punishment. It killed me. Whenever my sisters decided it was a great day for ignoring me and I was left to myself, it killed me. But then sometimes company doesn't do it for me either. And even sometimes company is too much. Sometimes I want it all but none of it at all. Sometimes I drive myself crazy, especially when I am alone. I don't like being alone. This is when my mind starts going full-force onto... well, everything. My relationships, my schoolwork, my laziness. Objects of focus become increasingly negative. I am not doing this right. How does that person really perceive how I treat them? I am such a jerk. I don't know how to defeat that. Should I defeat that? Oh, I should probably be concerned about where God is in my life. Is He there? God, are You there? Yeah, you are, but am I there? Probably not. I'm not sure how to fix that. Maybe I should read the Bible and pray -- the two answers to everything. Maybe I should stop thinking so much. I don't know how to do that either. I don't know. I don't know. But I want to. But I want to. I want it all. But I don't. Which really means I have no idea what I want. Which really explains a lot about me, myself, and I. I can't quite pinpoint problems. And so, I can't beautifully wrap resolutions to problems. Optimism takes a conceded effort. Hope is contrived. Love appears to be lost. Peace is in the other camp. Joy has deflated. Patience won't cut it. God, I don't know how to know that you're enough. And I'm not going to pretend like I do. I'm not going to throw vacant words of possibility in random directions in hopes that they're really coming from my core. Maybe this is depression talking. Maybe I shouldn't resign myself to this. But I really just don't know. And really. This is me.

1 comment:

  1. "Maybe I should read the Bible and pray -- the two answers to everything."

    Haha it sounds soo corny but sadly (or not sadly) these are the only things that bring me any genuine peace. But I still don't do them enough. I know what's good for me but stubbornly refuse it over and over again. I always think there's something else out there, when I *know* I've found perfect peace before with God. Duuurmb...

    "Love appears to be lost."
    Don't I know it.

    And haha I have zero patience. I think that's one of the main roots of my ISSUES. No patience leads to getting restless about crap, thinking you're superior to the ones who just lean back and carefully sift through all the bullshit, who accept it. Patience is like, a direct path to wisdom. (Hmm..that sounds like some really crappy quote.)

    Try some meditation? Have some TEA? Hang out with ME? Ommmmm....
