Saturday, January 22, 2011


This is where I plug my class blog, because I want it to actually function properly--meaning I actually do need comments for it to work. Don't worry, I don't *need* them in the EVERYONE MUST LIKE ME AND MY BLOGGINZ sort of way, but the comments feed into a sort of project I'm doing with the blog. So if you'd like, check it out. Read the "About" section to understand my mission here, and then comment your quick song recommendation. I'd appreciate it greatly. Thanks, all.

Click here to go to my site or any of those other random hyperlinks you may find in this post.

Here's a song!

The Shins - So Says I
Uploaded by Stellar_Heaven. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.

1 comment:

  1. "methinks this double-posting constitutes blog cheating." -Katie Jones

    (that was something the actual Katie Jones said).

    go here: (plug)

    word verification: bellingl

    like Sheldon's "bazinga" mixed with "mingle" as in go mingle on her academic site. k.
