Friday, May 21, 2010

Moses Supposes His Toeses Are Roses

Just so that you are aware of my current condition...

Yes, that big white lump is made of many many layers of bandages that make icing my knee feel ineffective, but I do it anyway to appease my mother my doctor.

Apparently using this contraption is appeasing my doctor as well even though neither he nor any of his little constituents bothered to tell me that such a machine existed, let alone that I would be using it 6 hours a day for two weeks. I got a call the day before surgery from the ABC Medical something group, and they needed to know my physical address so that they could deliver the knee machine. I gave them the information they wanted and promptly called my mother to ask her what was going on. She didn't know either. So we contacted my doctor's office to find out that I do need this thing to keep my knee from locking up after surgery. Would have been nice if they'd told me before how I would be spending 84 of my hours in the following two weeks. In describing this contraption to Peterso, I told her it's like a kiddie ride for my knee. Yes, it is that exciting, and more importantly, it does not hurt at all. But I am loving these pills I'm taking. They're great for putting me to sleep at night taking away the pain.

My mom's been fielding the calls from people asking how I'm doing, and she doesn't fail to mention that no one has bothered to send me balloons or anything. I mean, I did get a vase with three yellow roses from some random woman who goes to the church my mother works at... so what two of the roses were already withered when she gave them to me. Tiny insignificant detail. I got some beautiful roses from Mr. Parker, my pseudo-grandfather. They did, however, arrive in a bucket:

I still feel the love, though, and mama put them in a vase:

I really don't mind the lack of gifts, because recovery to me is more about envisioning the hope and possibilities of what God will be using me for as a result of this huge boost in my physical condition. Hope is a far greater gift than balloons and flowers.

Plus, I went to the Gloucester Library the day before surgery and "borrowed" a bunch of awesome CDs that now illegally reside in my iTunes library. :)

1 comment:

  1. This is me. Sending you virtual flowers. So that you feel better. Also. Because I love you!

    Verification: suctshi. as in...well, nothing, i just liked it. also - the word was green.

    Got so excited about verification suctshi that i forgot to actually type it before i sent it. new word verification: nogersa.
