Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sing it, Bowie.

Wow, I can't believe it's only been four days since I posted "Doubting Thomas?" This whole blogging thing really does put a new perspective on time. I'm pretty excited about time right now, though. This is because this time right now is a good time. Switching schools has had its ups and downs, but whenever I reflect on what's going on in my life overall in the big picture, I can't help but smile. Despite the pre-orientation mess I'm having to motivate myself to get through and the scheduling of CPR training and physicals and blah blah... and the impending surgery... and officially moving away from home... and actually having to rely on my own income, despite how much everything is changing, it is all so right. And I am finally convinced that this is because God is right there where He says He is: with me, in me, through me, to me. And really, this makes so much sense to me. I suppose posting a spiel about what I retrospectively think about the most intense parts of my doubting would make sense in filling up this post, but I feel like those sentiments will slip their way in when necessary. I've done enough dwelling for now. I do thank those of you who read my thoughts and shared your own, though. :) Oh and if you don't know, the switching schools thing I'm referring to is me leaving the University of Mary Washington and going to Riverside School of Health Careers to complete their 11-month Surgical Technology program. I found out yesterday that I don't have to wear one of those incredibly dorky uniforms the nurses and radiologic tech people have to wear. Since I'm gonna be a scrub, I get to just wear the hospital's scrubs when I'm shadowing. Sweeeeet. I really can't get over how incredibly awesome this program, and ultimately this job, seems to be. I almost feel like I'm setting myself up for disappointment by being this excited. I keep researching it as if I can possibly find anything else about the profession that I haven't already found, thinking I'll find something that finally points out a huge flaw in this perfect career choice. I know I'll start getting a sense of the reality of the job once I start my classes and start shadowing, so I guess I'll just exhibit a bit more patience and keep taking this whole thing one step at a time. My sister and I are trying to move to Newport News (where the school is) so that I don't have to commute an hour to Newport News everyday. Rebecca, my sister, just graduated from Liberty University, and she's been looking for jobs over there since before I made this career choice. She's got herself hooked up with an employment agency, so things are looking promising. We checked out a duplex on Mercury Blvd the other day. It is very reasonably priced and the pros definitely outweigh the cons. The thing is we can't really commit until Rebecca lands a job, so we've just been praying about that and trusting that we'll end up where we're supposed to. Oh, and if you happen to know anyone who lives in or near Newport News and desperately wants to temporarily house two young low-maintenance women starting in September, just let me know.

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